There is no doubt that our lives have become consumed by technology. Whether we are surfing the net, scrolling through social media or watching television, we are being hit constantly with ads, opinions, new ways to do things, better ways to promote our businesses and new products and services that we simply “must” try. It’s easy to see why small business owners can get overwhelmed when trying to decide how to market themselves. Every marketing guru out there has a different way to make six figures. One professional will tell you that a particular social media platform is how to grow your business while another is telling you that same platform is dead. Someone will tell you your website looks good while another will tell you it doesn’t.
So, how do you filter through all the hype and decide what is best for you? I believe that you have to trust your gut. If someone is trying to talk you into something and it doesn’t feel right, then don’t do it. What works for one person and one business may not work for another. If the process you are trying to follow doesn’t fit your personality, then don’t continue with it.
Of course there are tried and true ways of doing things that have proven themselves to be profitable and you don’t want to ignore solid business advice, but when it comes to how you are going to express yourself, you need to be comfortable. For this reason, it’s important that the advisors you surround yourself with are people you trust; whether you are paying them or not. Someone who is truly looking out for your best interest will never try to bully you or talk you into something you aren't comfortable with.
At The Small Business Centre, we strive to help small business owners, new and experienced, find the information they need. By getting to know our clients and what is important to them, we can offer training, advice and help. Most of all, we want you to feel comfortable enough to ask the questions that will help you move forward in your business.
Always remember that your business is your baby. You are the one who cares for it and works at it every single day. You know your comfort level and you know what you stand for. So, when you are soliciting outside help, trust your instincts. If you get even the slightest feeling that something isn’t right, walk away. This will leave room for you to work with those that make you feel empowered and keep you on the path to success!
*Brenda’s passion is seeing people achieve greatness. With a background of over 30 years working in sales and customer service and holding the position of Sales Coordinator for a national company, supporting sales reps from Newfoundland to British Columbia. Brenda has honed her skills as a communicator. As a Wordsmith and small business owner herself, she understands the challenges and triumphs that small businesses face. She is an expert at getting people motivated and believing in themselves. Brenda works both one-on-one with clients as well as in workshops to help them with social media and marketing. She is a public speaker and active member of the community, hosting a variety of events. Brenda’s philosophy is let’s work and rise together!
You can reach out to Brenda by emailing